Sunday, December 29, 2013

our game

today i worry that
the ball i hurl at you
once you stop being there
will touch the ground uncaught
and i will have to wait
or rather watch if it is ever
hurled back at me in this game.
it is my folly
for when you were there
i was slow and even worse,
i cared less to throw!
had i picked it up faster
we would have had more play days
my friend.
how i wish
with all my heart 
if you'd watch me play
and join this game now
and want as badly as i do
that a ball hurled 
should always 
find its way back to you,
we might be playing
for long; never letting
the damn ball fall 
onto the ground, and
finish our lovely game ..

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A pencil tale

It is a relief to know
that you will find the same pencil on your desk
the next day, and the day after that.
Well, you have a box of refill leads inside your table drawer
for quite a long time you might be needing it in store
besides, there are unfinished boxes back at home
just some day you can replace with empty ones...

I wake up every morning
hoping the pencil is there on my office desk,
for it would mean less irony to assume
not all things stay quite the same
like my pencil, I had started using some fine day....

Yet everyday dawns with this b'ful feeling
that every single thing i care about
will rather be in its own place
the pencil, the leads in the office
                               and those back at home.
So tuck me in today too dear slumber
hoping someone could care less
than move my things from my safekeeping !